Thursday, January 27, 2011

Menambahkan CBox untuk bertukar pesan

CBox menjadi salah satu sarana yang cukup efektif bagi para blogger untuk bertukar pesan, saling menyapa dan sebagainya oleh karena itu CBox menjadi banyak pilihan buat blogger, tentunya selain mudah mengoperasikannya juga pasti karena tidak berbayar alias Gratis..hehe
Sebenarnya penambahan CBox di blog tidak terlalu sulit, berikut langkah-langkahnya :

  • Nah , sobat tinggal melengkapi kolom - kolom yang ada di bawah tulisan Sign up sesuai dengan data sobat. Jangan lupa centang ' I have read........' untuk menyatakan persetujuan dan pilih Create my CBox.
  • Selanjutnya Sobat bisa Login ke dalam control panel CBox. Dengan username dan password yang tadi sudah dibuat. Sobat akan dibawa ke halaman home control panel. pada halaman ini sobat bisa mengganti password atau sekedar melihat tampilan default dari CBox yang akan sobat gunakan.
  • Untuk mengganti warna, font, atau tampilan yang lain sobat bisa memilih tab Look & Feel , jangan lupa di Save jika melakukan perubahan. 
  • Kalo dirasa udah sip dan gag sabar untuk nambahkan di blog sobat, silahkan pilih tab Publish!. Di halaman ini akan tampil kode untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
  • Pilih, mau di install dimana (blogspot, wordpress dsb)
  • Pilih variasi yang diinginkan
  • Copy kode yang ada di dalam kotak.
  • Tahap Instalasi
    - Login ke blogger
    - Klik Design
    - Tambahkan add Gadget
    - Pilih HTML/JavaScript, klik pada kotak dan paste-kan kode anda (ctrl + v)
    - Save dan silahkan nikmati hasilnya.
Mudah bukan :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cara Ganti Template Blog

Sekedar berbagi nih kawan,..bagi yang masih bingung gimana cara ganti template blog kita, ini ada beberapa langkah sederhana yang biasa digunakan untuk mengganti template kita :). Cekidot ...
Cara Ganti Template :
  1. Pilih template yang mau digunakan misalnya Download dari
  2. Setelah di download biasanya File berupa Zip yang perlu diekstrak terlebih dahulu
  3. Setelah di ekstrak, login ke akun blogspot, Masuk ke Design, Edit HTML selanjutnya Klik pada Expand Widget Templates

  1. Untuk lebih amannya maka kita perlu memback up template yang udah ada. caranya dengan klik Download Full Template
  2. Selanjutnya tinggal pilih saja template baru yang akan digunakan dengan memilih browse untuk mencari lokasi file. Yang perlu di upload hanya yang berupa XML document saja.
  3. Setelah berhasil di upload biasanya akan ada peringatan (apalagi blog yang sudah cukup banyak pernak perniknya) nah kalo muncul peringatan " template ini tidak mengincludekan bla bla bla" pilih aja pertahankan widget
  4. Untuk mengatur tata letak anda bisa kembali ke page element / elemen laman
Selamat mencoba

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Increase Blog Traffic - 4 Simple & Effective Ways

While many people have set up a blog as a personal journal to recount their thoughts, experiences and just about anything they want to write about, there are also a growing number of individuals who are maintaining blogs as a viable source of income. In fact most online marketers keep their own blogs and have shared secrets on how to increase blog traffic.
If you think about it, blogging without anyone bothering to read up the entries defeats the purpose of writing a blog in the first place. Even if you have an outstanding design to attract visitors, it takes extra efforts to increase blog traffic since you practically have to compete with millions of other blogs out there.
One of the best and most effective ways to increase blog traffic is through the use of Twitter. If you do not have an account, it is highly advisable that you should get one so you can tweet other people and convince them to read your blog posts and comment on those posts. Quite naturally, if you have posted an interesting link, there is a high chance people will click on it and be redirected to your blog, and thereby bringing in additional traffic. The same thing goes for you as a reader wanting to participate on a blog by making comments. Most of the time, a community of network is created in Twitter where people follow one another's post, keep tabs with the latest blog buzz and comment. This means you can look into the possibility of creating a circle of bloggers or tweeters that actively interacts. So the more you comment on their posts, the more motivated they are to do the same for you.
You can also consider joining some forums and participate in the discussions. This may require a bit of finesse since you cannot just pop up and invite others to visit your blog. You will need to establish your presence, casually slip links to your blog to related posts or maybe include the URL in your forum signature.
Another equally effective idea is to set up RSS feeds and install in on your blog site. With the fresh content it is churning out, spiders are bound to crawl and index your pages. You can also opt to advertise your site in your email signatures and business cards. This is especially effective if your blog features specific products and services. Nowadays, people prefer looking up a particular business online as it becomes supremely convenient.
At last but not the least, you can also consider submitting your articles to major directories to effectively increase blog traffic, especially for people who are looking up for particular information you are featuring in your site. Be sure to create at least 300-500 words articles to be sure it can contribute to additional traffic.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

12 Simple SEO Steps To Optimize Your Blog Posts

Optimizing your blog posts with SEO is actually quite simple if you follow these 12 simple steps. Now don't worry if SEO scares you because it's really not that difficult to implement these things to make the search engines love your blog posts.
Now none of these steps really matter too much without proper keyword research. Make sure you know what keywords your ranking for before you implement these items. So... let's get on with the show.
1. Keyword In The Domain - If at all possible, try and get the keywords you're ranking for in your domain name. Now this doesn't work if this is your personal blog because you usually using your own name and that's not the keywords your targeting.
2. Keyword In The Title - This should be pretty obvious but the key here really is to get your keyword closest to the beginning of your title. This helps the search engines recognize what your article is about. If you have long tail keywords, do your best to keep all of them together while making the title sound exciting, inspiring and interesting. Remember, a good title is what draws people in.
3. Keyword In The Url - Some people overlook this important step, but it's wise to never skip this step. The url is the part that comes after the domain name like So the /your-keyword-goes-here/ is where your keyword should go. Now if you have a long title like I do above, you should be able to edit the url when you're editing the blog post.
4. Keywords In The H1, H2, H3 Tags - So your first question might be "What are H1 tags?" On any word document or when you use the "visual" tab when editing your blog post, you will have a drop down menu that usually is defaulted to "normal". You can search for Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on. When you use these formats in your post, the size of the wording changes, but more importantly the search engines use these tags to identify what the article is about.
5. Keyword In The First Sentence - This is important again because the search engines want to see that the content being provided is relevant to the keywords right from the beginning. If you are targeting "fish hooks" but the first sentence talks about "polar bear video games", Houston... We have a problem!
6. Keyword In The Last Sentence - This is best used as a conclusion to sum up your blog post.
7. Keyword Density 2%-4% - Pay very close attention to this part of SEO. The worst thing you can do is "spam" your article with your keyword every few seconds. It's not natural and the search engines know that. So out of a 500 word article 10-15 times total is okay but don't force them in there just to hit your mark. Keeping the post natural sounding is the most important thing.
8. One Internal Targeted Link - This is important to build quality back links to your own site and even possibly promote other items in your blog if it's relevant to the article. So to optimize SEO for this post, I'll link to my homepage.
9. One Outboard Authority Link - This is important so you build a credible back link from a website that has high Page Rank and is relevant to your site. That's important because if your site is about "fish hooks", link to a top site about fish hooks. Remember, it's all about relevancy.
10. Keyword Optimized Images - The easiest thing you can do here is to do 2 things... Make the image name(s) the same as your keywords and change the "alt text" to your keywords. If you don't know what "alt text" is, don't worry about it and just make sure the image names are correct.
11. Bold, Italicize & Underline - I would recommend doing this at least once in your blog post. Don't go crazy with this as if a reader sees "fish hooks" in bold every single time, it just does NOT look right and it seems fishy (excuse the pun).
12. 500 Words Of Relevant Content - The optimal range is 500 but really never go lower than 300 and higher than 700 words.
Bottom line with all of this is the search engines are looking for relevancy. They want to see that the ad your customer clicked has the same keywords ad the page they landed on and is congruent with the content on the page. It's that simple. So when optimizing your blog posts for SEO, just remember to keep everything relevant, follow these 12 simple steps and watch your organic search rankings soar!
Gerek Allen is an entrepreneur, digital marketing specialist and Internet marketer. To learn more tips, techniques and strategies from Gerek, visit him at

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Cara Mudah Membuat Akun google dan Blog di Blogger

Sobat sekalian setelah mengetahui tentang apa itu blog dan perbedaan wordpress dan blogspot, kali ini kita akan membahas tentang bagaimana membuat blog di blogger atau blogspot.
Sebelumnya pastikan sudah mempunya email di Gmail ya. Layanan blogger di sediakan oleh Google makanya kita harus mempunyai akun google terlebih dahulu (bagi yang belum silahkan sign up di sini, untuk panduannya disini). Apabila belum silahkan kunjungi Cara mudah membuat email di Gmail, Kalo udah yukk, kita lanjut dengan langkah – langkah berikut :
  • Masuk ke, Pada Halaman ini akan kita dapati tulisan Create a Blog , It's Free. Pilih Saja Get started. Selanjutnya akan dibawa ke halaman seperti berikut :
  • Isikan alamat email, masukkan password, Nama tampilan Blog (sesuai yang anda inginkan), ulang tahun bisa dikosongkan dan masukkan kata untuk verifikasi, centang pada saya menerima persyaratan dan layanan, klik Lanjutkan.
  • Selanjutnya Pilih Ciptakan Blog Anda, akan ditampilkan alamat email dan nama anda, nama tampilan adalah nama blog yang nanti akan anda buat. Centang Saya menerima Persyaratan dan Layanan selanjutnya Klik Lanjutkan.
  • Selanjutnya langkah untuk ke detail Blog, Beri nama Blog Anda , tentukan Alamat / Url Blog (Alamat ini harus unik), bila ada keterangan masih tersedia maka anda bisa lanjut ke tahap selanjutnya. Pilih Lanjutkan.
  • Pilihan template dasar untuk anda. Template bisa di artikan dengan kerangka tampilan pada blog anda. Pilih saja yang menurut anda pas di hati kalaupun tidak pilih saja karena mungkin anda sudah memiliki desain template anda sendiri.  Atau ikuti postingan saya tentang bagaimana mengganti template di blogspot. Lanjutkan

Dan blog anda sudah jadi  maka anda bisa memulai untuk ngeblog. Membuat postingan dan sebagainya.

    Let Keep Posting,..Blogging Campaign

    Saturday, January 1, 2011

    Happy New Year 2011

    Wah Tak Terasa sudah memasuki 2011 nih...

    Banyak cerita yang terlewat, ada yang bangga karena nasionalisme bertambah seiring Piala AFF 2010, seneng karena tahun ini bisa jalan-jalan ke Pontianak (pribadi nih) hehehe dan juga sedih karena berbagai bencana di Indonesia. Terutama di Jogja, karena Akibat Erupsi merapi paling tidak bisa merasakan kelilipan debu merapi hahaha. Yah , pastinya berat bagi sebagian masyarakat Jogja, semoga dengan segala keterbatasan sebagai seorang manusia kita selalu diberi kekuatan dan ketabahan.

    Akhirnya Semoga Postingan di awal tahun ini bisa menjadi penyemangat dalam terus menyemarakkan Dunia Blog Di Indonesia...

    "Happy New Year 2011...."

    Blogging Campaign -- Let's posting something positive on your Blog

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